“The Following” on FOX is a television show full of intense action and edge-of-your-seat drama. Acclaimed actor Kevin Bacon plays former FBI agent Ryan Hardy, who had previously caught serial killer Joe Carroll after a series of violent slayings. When Carroll (played by James Purefoy) escapes from prison, it is up to Hardy, who had retired after catching the professor-turned-murderer, to bring him back to justice. However, as Hardy gets deeper and deeper into the case, he realizes that Carroll has brainwashed his fellow inmates into executing a dastardly plan of abduction and homicide.
The hour-long show is set in New York City, making the cat and mouse game between Hardy and Carroll even trickier. “The Following” was created and is executively produced by Kevin Williamson, known for masterminding shows like “Dawson’s Creek” and “The Vampire Diaries”, and writing the screenplays for Scream series and “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” The show is not for the faint of heart- viewers should know the show is marked by scenes of violence and sexual encounters.
The first season premiered on Jan. 21, 2013 and was viewed by almost 11 million people. The freshman drama was praised for the quality acting and a suspenseful plot. FOX renewed the show for a second season, slated to air starting Jan. 19, 2014.