Brooklyn Nine-Nine is yet another sitcom set in a police station, but this show garners attention from its uniquely humorous cast. Having premiered on Sept. 17, 2013 on Fox, Brooklyn Nine-Nine stars Andy Samberg in his first big post-Saturday Night Live role. He plays childish detective Jake Peralta, who has difficulty taking his job seriously. Though Detective Peralta plays the fool, his painful past is often mentioned: his father abandoned him and his mother when he was younger. Despite his goofy nature, Peralta usually succeeds, proving himself a talented detective. He enjoys a playful rivalry with Detective Amy Santiago, played by Melissa Fumero, and the two are often seen antagonizing each other in and outside of work.
When the show opens, the station captain is replaced by Captain Ray Holt, an intimidating and stoic leader played by Andre Braugher. He fills the Straight Man role of the group, barely breaking a smile even when in a good mood and rarely participating in the time-wasters the rest of the precinct dreams up. Holt takes his job very seriously and often clashes with the goofy men and women he was charged with leading.
Also working in the 99th precinct is the surly Rosa Diaz, portrayed by Stephanie Beatriz. The mysterious detective has a dark sense of humor and rejects any attempt at friendliness by those around her. Clumsy Detective Charles Boyle, who happens to be in love with Detective Diaz, is played by Joe Lo Truglio. Nice guy Boyle struggles to gain the attention and respect of those around him. Administrator Gina Linetti, or “everyone’s secretary” as she’s described in the show, is played by stand-up comedian Chelsea Peretti, bringing the laughs as a deadpan snarker. Brooklyn Nine-Nine returns to television on Jan. 7, 2014.