The Betrayal drama series joined the 2013 ABC fall line-up on September 29 and airs on Sunday nights. With Chicago as the backdrop, the storyline follows professional photographer Sara, played by Hannah Ware who meets and eventually falls for handsome attorney Jack McAllister, played by Stuart Townsend. David Zabel developed the series that is based on a Dutch drama entitled “Overspel.”
While at a public event, Sara and Jack meet while seeking a moment of quiet reflection outdoors and admiring the city skyline. Both have spouses, but an act of random kindness in the moment ignites a spark. Soon, everywhere Sara turns, she runs into Jack. Though both have misgivings, an affair begins. We learn that Sara’s inattentive husband Drew, played by Chris Johnson, is a highly successful prosecutor with hopes of venturing into politics. They have a seven-year-old son named Oliver.
Jack serves as a consulting attorney to Thatcher Karsten, played by veteran actor James Cromwell. Though portraying himself as a successful entrepreneur to the general public, Karsten has somewhat of a malevolent background as an organized criminal. Jack is also married to Thatcher’s daughter Elaine, played by Wendy Moniz. The couple has teenaged twins. In addition to being wife and mother, Elaine spends her time feverishly making a go of running a Chicago cafe.
Though attempting to keep their chance meetings and relationship platonic, Sara and Jack find in each other what is missing in their marriages. However, their attraction for each other grows and the two both give in to loneliness and the need for passion. Events unfolding behind the scenes soon bring the lovers face-to-face with a connection that neither saw coming when Drew announces his plans to prosecute Thatcher for numerous criminal activities that include murder.
Additional cast members include Henry Thomas as Karsten’s son T.J. Karsten. Braeden Lemasters and Elizabeth Mclaughlin star as Jack’s twin teens. Max Jenkins plays Sara’s young son Oliver.