Taken 3, stylized as TAK3N, is the name of the final installment of the Taken trilogy. The Taken trilogy is the name of three French action films (the first being released in 2008) featuring Liam Neeson as ex-husband and father, Bryan Mills. In addition to Liam Neeson, Famke Janssen, Maggie Grace, and Forest Whitaker star in this movie.
The movie opens with father, Bryan Mills, purchasing his daughter a giant stuffed panda for her birthday. The daughter discovers a secret amount herself moments before her father knocks on the door to give her the panda.
After the short visit with his daughter, he ends up meeting up with his former wife and his daughter’s mother, Lenore (he calls her Lenny). Lenore makes Bryan aware of the fact that she has feelings for him again, but he reminds her that she is still married to Stuart. Stuart who warns him to keep his distance from Lenore later greets Bryan.
After receiving a text message from Lenore to meet at his home, Bryan returns home to discover his ex-wife and mother of his child has been murdered. Unfortunately, Bryan is considered by the police to be the number one suspect for the crime.
January 9, 2015 was the theatrical release of this movie in the United States. You can check out iTunes to watch a trailer of Taken 3. Once the movie is out on DVD, you will also be able to purchase a digital copy of the movie from the iTunes store as well. As of January 2015, the movie is only available to see in theaters.