Helix is a new science fiction thriller television series that premieres with a double episode January 10, 2014, on the SyFy channel. From the producers of Battlestar Galactica, Contact, Lost, CSI: Miami, and The X-Files, Helix centers around a team of scientists from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) that are investigating a possible disease outbreak. They are stationed in a high-tech research facility in the Arctic where they are pulled into what may end up being a life or death struggle for the salvation of mankind.
The series stars Billy Campbell as Dr. Alan Farragut, Jordan Hayes as Dr. Sarah Jordan, and Hiroyuki Sanada as Dr. Hiroshi Hatake. Billy Campbell is recognizable from other series such as The O.C., The 4400, and The Killing. Jordan Hayes has had small parts in movies like The House at the End of the Street and television series such as Flashpoint and The Firm. Hiroyuki Sanada appeared in the television show Lost as well as movies like Rush Hour 3 and The Wolverine. Other names in the series are Kyra Zagorsky as Dr. Julia Walker, Mark Ghanime as Major Sergio Balleseros, Meegwun Fairbrother as Daniel Aerov, and Neil Napier as Dr. Peter Farragut.
For those who are die-hard science fiction fans, Helix promises fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat, non-stop action.