The Gambler Trailer
The 2014 film, “The Gambler,” is a 111-minute Paramount Pictures remake of the 1974 film of the same name that starred James Caan. This version had a $25 million budget, was directed by Rupert Wyatt and written by William Monahan. The film was originally supposed to be directed by Martin Scorcese and star Leonardo DiCaprio, but delays in the project resulted in their departure. The film stars Mark Wahlberg as Jim Bennett, an English...
The Interview is iTunes best selling movie ever
The controversial film called “The Interview” dominated iTunes charts after finally being released online instead of in theaters as originally planned in December 2014. It quickly became the best selling movie ever on iTunes. The film, starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, drew in a huge online audience after a series of events led to what amounted to the nationwide cancellation of its theatrical release. It became the first major...